Friday, August 6, 2010

realizations and "aha!" moments

I realized something last night that was sort of an ‘Aha’ moment for me.

I was looking through an old day planner and I came across some old sticky notes, lists and this list of statements that I was supposed to carry round in my wallet/purse. These are positive paradigm statements that are to supposed to keep me on course with what I want in my life. The more I think these statements, the more energy I send out to bring these things into my life.

The very first statement on that small card is “I am so excited that I have a success custom scrapbooking business”. Interesting. Every note, scribble, whatever that I found in that old planner had to do with a custom scrapbooking business. And I’ll be honest – that is something I had wanted for so long. I think back and I remember all the effort I put into researching the industry, the business aspects, how to start a custom design business. I have even made business cards several times. But then last night, if dawned on me the mistake I made - The reason why I’m not pursuing that dream.

I put too much emphasis on the money side of it and not the passion. That is rule # 4 in “How To Find Your Dream Career” that was part of my first post. Do it for the right reasons: The trigger should never be money. How can I serve? Make passion the motivation NOT money.

That is exactly what I was doing. I kept making money the focus. How can I make money doing that? How can I make enough money doing that to support my family? I dabbled in making statement necklaces with the same misguided focus.  I focused so much on how to make money doing it, that I just went around in circles. I was placing my energy in the wrong column. I should have been concentrating on just doing what I love, sharing it with other, putting out positive energy and just letting the universe and God, bring the right opportunities and right people into my life because of it.

Here’s a great affirmation that comes to us from James Arthur Ray's Harmonic Wealth Proram: “The right people and the right circumstances are already here and with show up on time”. I honesty believe that. What we want in life already exists and is here right now, we just have to dream it and desire it strong enough and it will show up on time, under the right circumstances.

So, this weekend, I am devoting time to my passion – making and creating and sharing it with others. That is my “giggle dream” - to custom design scrapbooks for others full time, be published in industry magazines such as Where Women Create, and be listed on other’s blogs and one of their favorites. IF I CAN CONCEIVE IT, I CAN ACHIEVE IT!

What is your giggle dream?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

what's the rush?

Yesterday I rushed home from work, because throughout the day I had read inspiring words of ‘discover your passion’, ‘find your dream job’, etc. and I had even read some article's on Oprah's website about finding my passion. So I was all fired up about getting home and getting my creative juices flowing and getting on with living my true purpose.

Seriously? What was I thinking? This isn’t a speed dash with some creepy track coach in even creepier track shorts standing on the sidelines with a stop watch hoping I beat yesterday’s time. So, I took a breath and asked myself – “what’s the rush?” And the answer is there is no rush. This is a journey, road trip, as I mentioned in an earlier post. I have to remind myself that I have time to discover what my true life’s purpose is.

Personal growth isn’t something that you can snap your fingers and change happens. It’s a process. That realization in no way diminishes my excitement about what my new life will be.

In an earlier post, I referenced Sue Frederick's article which mentioned ‘Dream big”. I am working at dreaming big. That’s not an easy thing to do as I’ve discovered. Automatically, a small voice in my head whisper’s “that’s not possible”, or “be realistic and think on a smaller scale”. I’m sure Sue’s response to that would be “SHUT UP!” So trying to ignore that small voice, which of course is negative energy that is just going to give off negative vibrations into the universe, is a tough undertaking. But it has to be done. My ‘dream big’ thoughts will give off positive energy, thus sending out positive vibrations into the universe which, will in turn, based on all I have read, return positive energy back into my life.

That may sound like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, but it isn’t. It’s just a fancy way of saying “what goes around comes around”, “you reap what you sow”, “you get back what you give”.

So, I won’t rush off half-cocked towards my dream and I won’t sit back and wait for it to just come to me either. I’m going to let each day happen as it does while I take one step at a time towards my goal; This is to be the best person I can be to my family and loved ones while enjoying my passion and finding great ways to serve others through that passion. The rewards, whatever they may be, will follow.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

i can dream big here!

Main Living Area
I know I already posted today, but in talking about 'dreaming big' I remembered this photo shoot in Architectural Digest covering Gerard Butler's NYC loft done in an 'old world' style and I just HAD to post the pictrues here.  I could totally get inspired in an environment like this - couldn't you???  And yes my big dream DOES include a Scottish husband, but that's a whole other journey entirely ;)
Media Area

my roadmap

I read this article a couple of months back and it had really inspired me at the time. I had copied it down in my trusty ‘to do’ notebook, but unfortunately, life got in the way of me doing anything about it. I remembered it yesterday while thinking about what I wanted to post today.

7 Steps To Reinvent Yourself by Sue Frederick author of I See Your Dream Job. It is a great article and it’s very inspiring. You can read it here at the brilliantwork website. The author has other articles that are just as inspiring.     

I’m going to use the following list that was in Sue Frederick’s article as my roadmap to reinventing myself and discovering my true purpose. Is it a scary road trip? Um…YES! Is it a road trip that needs to be taken? ABSOLUTELY - because right now, the road that I’m on is to nowhere and I’m running out of gas. (I like analogy. You’ll discover that about me).

7 Steps to Reinvent Yourself by Sue Frederick:

1. Wake Up! According to Sue, we need to realize that we are not victims of the economy, circumstances or our limited skills. We are in control of the steering wheel. Our life is on purpose and we got ourselves here.

I have to interject here for a second – that’s SCARY! And it’s also difficult to accept – at least in my own life. I got me here? You mean I wasn’t the backseat passenger with Jeeve’s my clueless chauffeur at the helm? You mean I have to take responsibility for all my actions to this point? Well, that’s not any fun.

2. Dream.
3. Search (What would I LOVE to do?)
4. Use Your Energy to Move Through Pain & Fear
5. See It
6. Take Action
7. Change It.

I know this seems like a lot to ask of one person. And I ask myself, “am I capable of such things?” Right now, I have to believe that I am capable of such things. How else am I going to break out of this slump I’m in? How else will I become the person I was meant to be, living the life I was intended to live? Same goes for you out there.

Wake up and accept responsibility that where you are right now, is a direct result of choices, decision and actions you have made and taken. It’s going to be difficult and it may even get ugly, but that’s the first step to getting where you want to go.

Dream big. Never sell yourself short in your dreams because they are what you make them. Search deep inside yourself for what you love to do. What bring out the passion in you? Is it creating beauty? Serving or helping others? Teaching? Whatever it is, it’s in you waiting to be discovered. We need to dream about what we want to happen. We need to create our own reality and not base it on what other people’s definition of reality is. If we can conceive it, we can achieve it. Yeah, I know that sounds corny, but it’s true. Ask Thomas Edison, Ben Franklin, Steve Jobs and every other person who bucked the system, dreamt big and accomplished much.

All the energy you’ve wasted being sad, depressed or angry about your situation – redistribute that energy and focus it on moving past whatever it was that hurt you or caused you enough pain that made you afraid to move past your fears. Fear is only a reaction to the unknown. Easy for me to say? No, not easy at all. I’m scared senseless about this, but saying it loud to me and to you, gives me strength and courage. Use whatever pain or fear you have to propel you towards your dream. Did you suffer a loss? Use that pain to help others overcome that same situation.

See it. See yourself living that life. See yourself being the person you’ve always wanted to be. See the successes you want to happen. Ask yourself “what do I really want” and then envision it happening. Those two things will go a long way.

Once you’ve accomplished these things – Take Action. Learn something new, meet new people that are in the industry you want to explore or have the same interests you do. Go. Do. Be.

Change is a good thing. Sometimes we see it as a bad thing or punishment. But it isn’t. When going after what you really want – you have to change your outlook on what is involved. After doing all the above, your final step – OUR final step to change our behavior, change our course.

This road trip is long and scary and full of crossroads and wrong turns, but the point is we are driving. We are taking the trip of our lives and nothing will stop us, unless we allow it to.

Monday, August 2, 2010

what will the neighbors say?

I find it amazing – or rather interesting that when we are young we are constantly encouraged to ‘try’ things. “Try the broccoli. If you don’t like it, that's fine, but at least you tried it”. We’re told to at least try things – from vegetables to team sports to a myriad of things and experiences. However, when we become adults and we’re trying different things hoping to find that niche for ourselves, we’re criticized for not ‘sticking with it’, for not ‘following through’. 

My best friend experienced this recently with her husband. Five and half months ago they gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. They had her completely natural. When I say ‘completely’ I mean COMPLETELY. They had her at home with midwives and a dulla. My friend has always been into all things natural such as organic foods, staying away from prescription drugs preferring to use natural herbs, etc. She loved the idea of the whole ‘dulla’ thing and decided she’d like to takes classes towards becoming one. Her husband, who by the way is very supportive of her, said “my only concern is your follow-through”. Granted, she has tried different ventures throughout the past few years – none of which came to fruition. But it was ALL done with great intentions. Her intentions, which are in line with her passion – is her family and the time she spends with them. What could possibly be wrong with trying to find an avenue that will lead you to more time with your family?

And that brings me to my dilemma. Do I tell my family and friends that I’m on this journey of reinvention? Will they, too, criticize my past attempts at finding my right path? My intentions are honorable and good. I want what is best for my family, which to me is being more available to them and having the freedom and resources to provide a better life for them. If I become a better person and parent because I have found my true purpose – how can that not be a wonderful thing?

I recently enrolled in a degree program that would eventually better my financial circumstances all in the name of survival. I researched what industry was up and coming, discovered it was the medical industry and then went about searching which career within that industry would be right for me. Again, all in the name of survival. But is it what I want to do for the rest of my life? Is it what brings me joy and fulfillment? No, no it does not. However, it will bring me better income to raise my child.

But see, I know myself. Eventually, down the road, I’ll get bored and will begin to feel unfulfilled. Because that is not my life’s purpose. That is why I have started this journey to reinvention because in my soul I know I am supposed to be more. God would not have given me my talents if I weren’t supposed to use them to bring joy to my life and others. Granted I’m not a concert pianist or an accomplished artist – but I am creative and I know this to be true. And that creativity is what will lead me to my passion and then to my life’s purpose. I know this, because I know God created me to be more than what I am at this moment.

So, what will the neighbors say? Honestly, I don’t think it really matters. All that matters at the end of the day is what I think and what I feel and what I believe are my capabilities to becoming more.

Friday, July 30, 2010

not as easy as they say

Okay, so yesterday i went about trying find a blog host because I want to be able to share my journey, get feedback and who knows - maybe inspire someone to start their own journey to reinvention.  I had seen a blog host advertised in a magazine I have "Artful Blogging" by Stampington & Company stampington & co..  unfortunately it wasn't as easy as they say it is.  I am not, by any means, a techie however, I am neither an idiot.  So when I say it wasn't user friendly, it really wasn't.  After 30 minutes of fighting with it, I ditched my attempt at getting a blog through them.  You guys can try tumblr if you want and maybe you'll be more successful. 

I then tried wordpress and didn't find it any simpler.  I agonized over the whole process even downloading their free program and all it got was a zip file that even after being extracted I couldn't figure out how to launch the darn thing.  Have fun with that one as well.

As you can see, I chose blogger.  I was up and running in under 1 minute - and personally speaking, I think it's quite pretty and compliments my "journey" theme.

life decisions

I’ve asked myself countless times, “is it ever going to get better?” and to be honest, I have no idea. All I know do know is, there has to be more than this. I have to be more than this.

Currently I hate my job. And it’s just that – a job. Not a career, not a vocation, not a calling. It’s your run-of-the-mill “I-need-to-make-money-to-survive-so-here-i-am” kind of work. But do I love it? No! do I enjoy it? No! I know you’re wondering if this is just some disgruntled employee looking for an outlet to vent. Not at all. This is not what I’m intending this blog to be about.

This blog is about my journey towards reinventing myself. And it’s going to be just that – a journey because I haven’t made it to my destination yet. I’m at the start of it and it’s going to take some hard self-evaluation on my part. What is it that I want? What is it that I’m trying to accomplish in my life?

Yesterday I was feeling all blah about life and where mine is at the moment. Well, let me back track a bit and tell you a little about myself. I’m 45yrs old and a single mom of a teenaged daughter (shudder) and I, like most parents out there, want to provide a good, safe and healthy life for my child. However, sometimes due to circumstances, bad judgment or choices, we find ourselves struggling to do that for our family.

So what am I doing about it? Well, yesterday I had one to those moments where I felt a surge of energy to change things. Flipping through my trusty ‘to do’ notebook, I came across a list I had copied down from the internet. For the life of me I can remember the author or where I got it from. So if any of it sounds familiar and you can help me site the reference that would be great!

How To Find Your Dream Career

1. Know what you “want” not what you “don’t want”.

2. Know your values:
          a. What do you really value? Time? Family?
          b. List a set of values you treasure

3. Know how much time you are willing to sacrifice.
          a. Do you have the knowledge or skill set?
          b. How much time are you willing to sacrifice to acquire
              that skill set?

4. Do it for the right reasons.
          a. Trigger should never be money.
          b. How can I serve?
          c. Make passion the motivation not money.

5. The Easiest Part: 3 Step Guide To Find Your Dream Career.
          a. Do your research. Find out about the industry.
          b. Network with people in the industry.
          c. Create a plan to purse your dream career.

So, this it what I’m going to attempt – to find my dream career. Whether it’s working for someone else or for myself, I am determined to make my passions workable. Wish me luck!