Friday, August 6, 2010

realizations and "aha!" moments

I realized something last night that was sort of an ‘Aha’ moment for me.

I was looking through an old day planner and I came across some old sticky notes, lists and this list of statements that I was supposed to carry round in my wallet/purse. These are positive paradigm statements that are to supposed to keep me on course with what I want in my life. The more I think these statements, the more energy I send out to bring these things into my life.

The very first statement on that small card is “I am so excited that I have a success custom scrapbooking business”. Interesting. Every note, scribble, whatever that I found in that old planner had to do with a custom scrapbooking business. And I’ll be honest – that is something I had wanted for so long. I think back and I remember all the effort I put into researching the industry, the business aspects, how to start a custom design business. I have even made business cards several times. But then last night, if dawned on me the mistake I made - The reason why I’m not pursuing that dream.

I put too much emphasis on the money side of it and not the passion. That is rule # 4 in “How To Find Your Dream Career” that was part of my first post. Do it for the right reasons: The trigger should never be money. How can I serve? Make passion the motivation NOT money.

That is exactly what I was doing. I kept making money the focus. How can I make money doing that? How can I make enough money doing that to support my family? I dabbled in making statement necklaces with the same misguided focus.  I focused so much on how to make money doing it, that I just went around in circles. I was placing my energy in the wrong column. I should have been concentrating on just doing what I love, sharing it with other, putting out positive energy and just letting the universe and God, bring the right opportunities and right people into my life because of it.

Here’s a great affirmation that comes to us from James Arthur Ray's Harmonic Wealth Proram: “The right people and the right circumstances are already here and with show up on time”. I honesty believe that. What we want in life already exists and is here right now, we just have to dream it and desire it strong enough and it will show up on time, under the right circumstances.

So, this weekend, I am devoting time to my passion – making and creating and sharing it with others. That is my “giggle dream” - to custom design scrapbooks for others full time, be published in industry magazines such as Where Women Create, and be listed on other’s blogs and one of their favorites. IF I CAN CONCEIVE IT, I CAN ACHIEVE IT!

What is your giggle dream?

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