Wednesday, August 4, 2010

what's the rush?

Yesterday I rushed home from work, because throughout the day I had read inspiring words of ‘discover your passion’, ‘find your dream job’, etc. and I had even read some article's on Oprah's website about finding my passion. So I was all fired up about getting home and getting my creative juices flowing and getting on with living my true purpose.

Seriously? What was I thinking? This isn’t a speed dash with some creepy track coach in even creepier track shorts standing on the sidelines with a stop watch hoping I beat yesterday’s time. So, I took a breath and asked myself – “what’s the rush?” And the answer is there is no rush. This is a journey, road trip, as I mentioned in an earlier post. I have to remind myself that I have time to discover what my true life’s purpose is.

Personal growth isn’t something that you can snap your fingers and change happens. It’s a process. That realization in no way diminishes my excitement about what my new life will be.

In an earlier post, I referenced Sue Frederick's article which mentioned ‘Dream big”. I am working at dreaming big. That’s not an easy thing to do as I’ve discovered. Automatically, a small voice in my head whisper’s “that’s not possible”, or “be realistic and think on a smaller scale”. I’m sure Sue’s response to that would be “SHUT UP!” So trying to ignore that small voice, which of course is negative energy that is just going to give off negative vibrations into the universe, is a tough undertaking. But it has to be done. My ‘dream big’ thoughts will give off positive energy, thus sending out positive vibrations into the universe which, will in turn, based on all I have read, return positive energy back into my life.

That may sound like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, but it isn’t. It’s just a fancy way of saying “what goes around comes around”, “you reap what you sow”, “you get back what you give”.

So, I won’t rush off half-cocked towards my dream and I won’t sit back and wait for it to just come to me either. I’m going to let each day happen as it does while I take one step at a time towards my goal; This is to be the best person I can be to my family and loved ones while enjoying my passion and finding great ways to serve others through that passion. The rewards, whatever they may be, will follow.

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