Friday, July 30, 2010

life decisions

I’ve asked myself countless times, “is it ever going to get better?” and to be honest, I have no idea. All I know do know is, there has to be more than this. I have to be more than this.

Currently I hate my job. And it’s just that – a job. Not a career, not a vocation, not a calling. It’s your run-of-the-mill “I-need-to-make-money-to-survive-so-here-i-am” kind of work. But do I love it? No! do I enjoy it? No! I know you’re wondering if this is just some disgruntled employee looking for an outlet to vent. Not at all. This is not what I’m intending this blog to be about.

This blog is about my journey towards reinventing myself. And it’s going to be just that – a journey because I haven’t made it to my destination yet. I’m at the start of it and it’s going to take some hard self-evaluation on my part. What is it that I want? What is it that I’m trying to accomplish in my life?

Yesterday I was feeling all blah about life and where mine is at the moment. Well, let me back track a bit and tell you a little about myself. I’m 45yrs old and a single mom of a teenaged daughter (shudder) and I, like most parents out there, want to provide a good, safe and healthy life for my child. However, sometimes due to circumstances, bad judgment or choices, we find ourselves struggling to do that for our family.

So what am I doing about it? Well, yesterday I had one to those moments where I felt a surge of energy to change things. Flipping through my trusty ‘to do’ notebook, I came across a list I had copied down from the internet. For the life of me I can remember the author or where I got it from. So if any of it sounds familiar and you can help me site the reference that would be great!

How To Find Your Dream Career

1. Know what you “want” not what you “don’t want”.

2. Know your values:
          a. What do you really value? Time? Family?
          b. List a set of values you treasure

3. Know how much time you are willing to sacrifice.
          a. Do you have the knowledge or skill set?
          b. How much time are you willing to sacrifice to acquire
              that skill set?

4. Do it for the right reasons.
          a. Trigger should never be money.
          b. How can I serve?
          c. Make passion the motivation not money.

5. The Easiest Part: 3 Step Guide To Find Your Dream Career.
          a. Do your research. Find out about the industry.
          b. Network with people in the industry.
          c. Create a plan to purse your dream career.

So, this it what I’m going to attempt – to find my dream career. Whether it’s working for someone else or for myself, I am determined to make my passions workable. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds to me like being a writer might be a good choice as a career for you. JMHO.
